So your property is using online advertising, but can anyone actually see it?

Feb 25, 2019 | Property Management | 0 comments

Online advertising for your property

So your property is using online advertising, but can anyone see it?

Having your listing online is incredibly important for exposure and visibility. In fact, out of the 100% of tenants looking for a new home to live, 86% of them look to online platforms for available properties (, 2019). However, just because your rental property is using online advertising doesn’t mean it will be sure to lease quickly. A lot of agencies tend to forget to upload an in-depth online listing and don’t invest in marketing that will stand out from the crowd. Also, make sure that you have contact with some marketing experts who could help you deal with better marketing techniques and strategies.

The basics of an online rental listing should include;

Detailed features of the property. A detailed breakdown of the property’s features, explaining the functionality of the premises.

Local area knowledge. This should be expressed in each listing such as best cafes, hot spots, public areas etc.

Front page listings. If the listing isn’t getting noticed, it’s getting forgotten. Front page online advertising is crucial in any type of market as you get the best and the first pick of interested tenants and the most actively looking. Did you know that of the 86% of tenants looking online, 58% don’t even look past the first page! On top of this, tenants only look online for an average of 10 minutes. (, 2019)

Beautiful photography. Detailing a good balance between functionality and visual appeal. The photos need to also tell a story and also need to appeal to a particular type of tenant.

Virtual interactive tours. Come inspection time, prospective tenants have already been defined and filtered as they have already virtually sited the premises. This therefore in turn increases the applications/per inspection.

Multi-platformed listings. Just using one or two websites for online advertising just does not cut it anymore. Prospective tenants are looking for their new home on a multitude of sites, so exposure is key here. Utilise as many websites as possible.

If you have a real estate agency looking after your property, be sure to address all of the above with your Property Manager so you can get the best possible tenant for your investment.

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