Maximising profit from renovating – room dividers with a lightness of spirit.

Sep 4, 2017 | Renovating | 0 comments

“A room is not a room without natural light!”

There comes a time when functionality does not do it anymore and you are looking for new ways to elevate the aesthetics of your living room. With open plan living, it is additions like rugs (from companies like, lighting fixtures and accent pillows that generally allow you to give the living space a quick makeover. You should never underestimate the power of investing in new lighting. A Glowing lamp made from Himalayan salt could make all the difference in setting a relaxing ambience in your living room for example. But those who wish to delineate space in the living room without actually turning to walls need something more distinct. A room divider is the ideal option, as it allows you to divide the living area from the kitchen, dining space or even home office next to it without completely cutting off one room from the next.

Smart home dividers deliver exactly what you need – free passage of light and visual connectivity despite clearly creating boundaries between two rooms. The best part of it all is that you have a wide array of room dividers to pick from that venture beyond just glass walls!

Using the living room divider to add a wonderful display or even additional storage options is a great way to make the most of the available space in your small urban apartment or modest modern home. If you’re building your custom-built, dream home with someone like Rodrock homes, you will be able to construct it with these specifications in mind, if that is what you want from your home. The idea here is to separate the living room from the kitchen or dining room next to it without disturbing the style of each of the rooms and allowing for an effortless transition between both spaces. A combination of closed units for the base and open shelves at the top is a practical choice that allows for the unobstructed flow of light and a visual connection between the living area and the rooms next to it.

What works for one might not for others, and your need for a room divider, both in terms of size and style, could be very different from what is currently available in stores. Do not shy away from custom solutions that deliver exactly what you need. Living room dividers in metal and glass can be created by your local artisan with ease, and often they are far less expensive than dividers in furniture shops. A simple television stand and entertainment unit, a lovely bookshelf or even a series of twigs that you could easily collect this fall –only your imagination limits the style and form of a room divider!

Click here to see our best room divider inspirations on Pinterest!

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